Friday 8 February 2013

Six degrees of seperation

S : "Hey I just talked to do J"

Me: "Oh?..."

J: "Hey I think I just bumped into one of your friends ;)"

Me: "Yes you did."
J: "She's cute. Is she single?"


S: "He's cute. Is he single?"

Texting. This conversation has occurred twice in the past week. Two of my friends from completely different social circles have ended up meeting and being interested in each other. The setting: Winnipeg. Problem: Alex's new involuntary matching making service. It's called six degrees of separation.
I love living in Winnipeg.  Do I want to live here for the rest of my life, mmmm maybe not. What I like is how we thrive on our relationships. We are truly and forever 'Friendly Manitoba'. Everybody knows somebody you know. (For that reason be careful who you're talking about because you never know the connection). This city is great for networking. Got a problem? I have probably five people on speed dial to help you solve it. Just ask.

One woman I was chatting with at a coffee shop said that she posted on Facebook her roof was leaking. Within the next hour three people commented on her post, two about who to contact for help and one actually willing to help because he was a roofer. You have to love social media.
The other day I went to a birthday party and this woman said she knew me. After a while of chatting we noticed how much we have in common. We both went to the University of Winnipeg, both go to Red River College, both own a Jeep,and both live in the same area. At the end of it all turns out she knew me from helping her at my work. We both knew the same people at the party but didn't know it. Again everybody knows somebody who knows you.
If you're wondering how those two conversations turned out, dates have been set up! Why is the glass half full this week? It's the feeling of being a part of a community. It's having a neighbour come over with a christmas card from their son who's four, even though it's February. It's about giggling about an inside joke with an old friend. It's about the time you were there for your friend who was in the hospital. It's about talking until the wee hours of the morning with the friend who just went through a breakup even though you are crazy tired. You know they'd do the same. If there's one other thing I've noticed this week is life is short. Even though life is busy make time for those relationships around you. Not only because you'll feel awesome and they'll feel awesome but those connections might come in mighty handy.

1 comment:

  1. In Winnipeg, it's more like one-and-a-half degrees of separation!
