Thursday 16 January 2014

There's no place like Om.

I'm a Prairie Yogi!  All thanks to Monique Pantel and Rachelle Taylor, two CreComm Alumni, who are beautiful both inside and out. They've created the Prairie Yogi community where us yogis get together in the best venues to do some relaxing and often much needed yoga. You get to meet some amazing people, laugh a lot, and feel good. It's the best. 

This past weekend I had the pleasure of participating in my 3rd Prairie Yogi event. It was their Body Mind Soul Cleansing Workshop. We did some Bikram style yoga first then settled in and got to see Kalee Mund in all of her cooking glory making an ayurvedic meal for us. 

What is an ayurvedic meal you ask? Let me give you the gist. Ayurveda is an ancient medical system in India. It's about treating the mind, body, and soul in a holistic manner to heal itself. It's a system of living that involves a healthy dose of diet, exercise, and meditation. It comes down to balance and taking care of yourself as a whole. The meal Kalee made for us was called Kitchari. It's a cleansing dish to aid in digestion and energy. In it's simplest form it's a soup made from rice and mung beans. After dinner we chatted while enjoying some stuffed dates and tea. It really hit the spot! 

If you want to find out more about the recipe or Prairie Yogi go to

Sunday was a such great day alongside one of my best friends Amanda as we sweated it out and ate a delicious meal. Thank you to Prairie Yogi for putting on another successful, wonderful, and inspirational event! Can't wait until the next one!

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