Friday 2 November 2012

I'm watching people workout while I eat popcorn

This week let’s discuss plans. Having something to look forward to makes me happy. Talking to some classmates I found out they use similar tactics.

 I’m an avid planner.

I like the anticipation that builds up before a concert or going zip-lining.  It’s nice to have a reward at the end of the week for all your hard work!

Do you buy an advent calendar for Christmas? I can’t wait to get mine.
Do you use a planner? Mine has cartoons for special events weekly and on holidays I get funky with it and use highlighters.

I have a blackboard on one side on my room and a white board on the other. They both are updated weekly. My blackboard has my to do list on it and the white board is my calendar. This helps my family know what’s going on and where I am most of the time. I always make sure to schedule in something fun to do - otherwise the list looks longer and dates look daunting. 

There is the odd time when I’m so excited about certain plans they turn into a let down. That birthday party you attended only had three people show up instead of 20. Not fun. That’s why I focus on events that are a sure bet – like Halloween. Dress up and candy = sure bet to be a good time. 

The weeks when I don’t have something big to look forward to I create small rewards such as painting my nails, watching a movie, or baking cookies. If there isn’t that exciting outlet, a goal to work towards, I’m sullen.

I’m a planner. That also means I have short-term goals and long-term goals. Once I reach them I feel a sense of achievement and happiness. Don’t you?

What are your goals?
Do you have rewards at the end of the week? 
How about humpday (Wednesday)? That’s a tough one to get through.

Often little rewards work just as good as the big ones. Working towards a goal, achieving it, and treating yourself feels great. After a long week at school I’ve got a 60’s party to go to this weekend…which means I’m going shopping an outfit...right now.  

1 comment:

  1. I love planning and checklists, and will admit to having added a task to a checklist after it had been completed, just so I could check it off.
