Monday 19 November 2012

Silly blender.

Hello there!

Last night I was downstairs making smoothies -like I do many nights of the week- and my blender broke…again. Milk was everywhere! All over the counter. Guess my crazy gluing job wasn’t the solution. Shucks.

Time to invest in a Magic Bullet?

My Smoothie making started in the spring after reading Bob Harper’s ‘The Skinny Rules’. There’s a great skinny shake recipe inside that uses berries, Greek yogurt and almond milk. Yum. I recommend taking a browse through the book. There are some great rules to abide by if you want to eat healthier. Seeing the glass half full also means feeling good on the inside. Here are three of his simple rules I have found helpful and have stayed with me:

Drink a glass of water before each meal: I now have two Brita water bottles, one purple and one blue. When I finish one there is always the second one in the fridge cold and waiting for me. When I wake up and before I go to bed I have a glass of water. Staying hydrated means fewer headaches, better complexion, and feeling fuller. Win. Win. Win.

Go to bed hungry: Not easy, not one bit! When it’s late at night my stomach growls that candy cane ice cream looks more and more delicious. In the back of my mind is the voice of one of my friends who recently lost 50 pounds. I asked her what’s her secret. She said the most helpful rule she had was stop eating by 8pm. It’s a great rule for burning fat and hey, you’re gonna sleep better.

Eat apples and berries every single day: So I’m not a huge fan of apples but I adore berries (exhibit A - my berry smoothie mess last night). Harper explains why this rule is good for your body, phytochemicals and such.  All I know is that I feel better when there are berries and apples are mixed into my diet. I buy a big bag of frozen mixed berries and fruit and stash it away in my freezer for smoothies. It’s also great to put in Tupperware containers for lunch because by then they’re thawed and ready to eat. Try it!
Those are just three of his 20 rules. I also like: don’t drink your calories and eat protein at every meal. His book includes a meal plan and a ton of healthy recipes. Check it out. I’m also a fan of The Biggest Loser, but perhaps that’s for another blog post. I hope these rules help you as much as they’ve helped me to be healthier. Now to find myself a new blender…

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