Friday 16 November 2012

- Hug it out -

There’s the airplane hug – you zoom into each other. The forever hug - you just don’t let go. The group hug. The bro hug - a half-handshake half-hug. The wiggle hug – you sway back and forth.  The running hug – standing at opposite ends of the room and running towards each other for a hug. The acquaintance hug - a light pat to the back. But - My favourite - the squish - the other person loves you so much they squish your insides and crack your back.

It’s a way to greet each other and say good-bye. We comfort each other with a hug and celebrate with one. There are a few different reasons why we hug it out but the feeling remains the same - good. It’s simple and can mean a lot. We thrive it, it releases endorphins, and we bond. It’s natural to want to feel close to someone else. 

One of my first jobs was at a seniors home. There I really began to understand the power of a hug. Some of the residents I looked after encountered very little touch during the day.  One hug from me and they didn’t want to let go. It meant a lot to them that I cared enough to hug. It’s a way to reach out and brighten their day. 

Juan Mann's free hugs campaign started in 2004 and demonstrates the power of a hug. Read more @

The old saying ‘walk a miles in someone else’s shoes’ is true. Our days can be clouded by stress and problems and we think it’s a big deal until we meet someone who has it worse. We don’t know what someone else is going through but perhaps a hug can help. It certainly couldn’t hurt. Sometimes we are afraid to hug because we’re not sure how they'll respond. Take a risk, not many will deny you a hug. However you hug it out, give them free of charge and do it often. 

Huggers Amanda Trunzo and Janessa Wirth 

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