Friday 26 October 2012

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.” – Legally Blonde

 A CreComm grad once said it very important in this program to have a hobby. Everyone needs an activity. It helps us to forget daily craziness for a moment and to maintain an internal balance.  I decided to take up some hot yoga classes for the winter.

I’m not new to hot yoga so I knew what I was in for: sweat, sweat, and more sweet in between exhausting poses. What got me through my first class back was my instructor joking around, smiling, and knowing that I’ll feel fantastic afterwards.

My tips for hot yoga:
  • Drink a lot of water beforehand to stay hydrated during class
  • Know your limits, it’s okay not to be pro
  • Try every pose – challenge yourself – have no regrets
  •  Bring your shower gear because you’ll want to rise off after
  • Don’t plan anything following class – my face is always flush red and I’m exhausted

During the 90minute stretch class all I did was focus on my body.  I forgot about deadlines, projects and work schedules. I did every stretch properly and yes, the next day my body ached - but in a good way. Each week it will become easier.

Before CreComm, producing radio was my hobby. Monday mornings I would be at school at 7am to be on-air for 8am. Now radio is a class and I get graded.  Seems almost cliché to do yoga but people have been doing it for a long time; it’s been around since 300BC. Yoga doesn’t feel like exercise (no running! no weights!) and as a result it has quickly become my favourite kind of exercise. My stiff achey muscles become loose and flexible after a warmed up stretch. 

Yoga makes me happy, but perhaps another activity will work for you. Perhaps it’s movies, sports, knitting, cars, computers, dancing, or traveling - woot. Make time for the good stuff to make the hard stuff worth it. Do what you love. 


  1. I agree! Yoga is amazing! I find hot yoga intense and satisfying but I find that the more out of shape I am, the harder hot yoga becomes. Good incentive I guess to get in shape so I don't pass out during class!

  2. yoga is amazing. and I agree, hot yoga is great for de-stressing. good for staying in shape and flexible too!!

  3. I gave hot yoga a good long try, but just couldn't get used to being that sweaty and slick; reaching back to grab an ankle, squeaking free and collapsing on someone else's mat. How do you deal with that?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I should blog about hot yoga more often!!! As for holding a pose when you're hot and sweaty...I've had that problem too - in triangle pose my foot keeps sliding and I feel like I'm about to fall. Practicing the poses on my own helped; finding the right weight distribution. Focus and confidence is key. It doesn't take away from the fact that my hands are slipping, but concentrating on something other my hands helps. When you reach back to grab your ankles focus on your eyes in the mirror, stop thinking about your hands slipping. Another tactic I use is a countdown. When we are in the 'T' pose I count down from ten holding it. Probably not the greatest idea for yoga but as I get better I won't be counting down. Hope this helps! Thanks for reading!

  6. "Make time for the good stuff to make the hard stuff worth it."
    A good reminder.
