Friday 12 October 2012

Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite

October 11, 12 - I slept in ... again. Whose brilliant idea was it to have class at 8am?

How are we supposed to see the glass half full? 

My alarm went off at 6am in order to get ready and get into my car for 7am to get to school for 8am. Not pretty. Yes, it takes me an hour to get to school. Living outside of the city has its disadvantages some days more than others.

When my clock read 6am I gazed at it with disapproval. Three different assignments are due today. They were all done days in advance but alas my OCD took over and I transformed into the queen of editing. I was up late the night before yet again. It’s a vicious cycle. For some strange reason I can't leave my work alone. I'll look over it, again and again, wondering if it would sound better if I tweek it. Bedtime has quickly become 12am. 6 hours of sleep is not okay.

At 6:01am I squint my eyes and go back to sleep, thinking I have another 15minutes before I really need to be up.

Sleep has become a high priced commodity. I use to take it for granted. Now I try to power nap whenever I can, but I still need to perfect the art. The best sleep is when you fall full force onto a comfy just laundered bed, the one with really fluffy sheets, you curl up and are out for a full 8 hours. Pure envy right now.  

If I don't get the right amount of sleep I'll have a pounding headache for the rest of the day.

I finally woke up at 6:50. Ten minutes - till I’m late. Luckily I’m skilled in the art of the art of the fast and out-the-door wake up. I made it to school on time with minutes to spare. Moral of the story - get more sleep. Today I’m practically a walking zombie. 

Some say sleep is for when you're dead. I think not! One third of our life is spent sleeping. A rested Alex is a happy one, a more productive one, and a lady who sees the glass half full. My new goal - an earlier bedtime,… and try to leave my work alone.

That was yesterday…
Guess who got a full 8 hours sleep last night? After watching some mindless Kardashian television of course.We don't judge. I’m refreshed and ready to take on my pile of homework again.
Today is a glass half full kinda day because I got my beauty sleep! After a bad day all you need is sometimes is sleep to see the glass half full again.  

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