Is it better to do what you love and be poor - Or be rich and miserable?
Many say money doesn't matter but sometimes you really need to pay the bills. (and benefits are nice)
This year I get to graduate twice! The University of Winnipeg is giving me a degree and I'll get a diploma from Red River College. This is a very exciting year. I've been a student for the past 19 years and I've finally perfected the art. It's all coming to a bittersweet end and reality is beginning to set in. Unfortunately there's no job openings for a professional student anywhere.
The pressure to get a job is more intense than ever. Now I must use those pieces of paper I've earned to get me a 'real' adult job. Without going into too much detail, I've found two jobs I'm head over heals for: one in promotions and one as a PR yogi. I have my two dream jobs! (While working my retail job - this girl needs clothes!) So what's the problem?
Do they pay the bills? For now they do.
Do I love my bosses? That's an understatement.
I still worry. That's the problem. Logic says I should be working a big girl job one that's 9-5 Monday to Friday that has a pension and a good blue cross package. The smart woman I've become has been taught year after year that is what is expected of her. This is why I've been putting so much effort into my education. I've put in the effort now it's time to find a real job and reap the benefits. If I'm not working one now, I should be actively seeking one. Except I'm not.
For my work placement this semester I decided to take a step back from being in control and let the world decide where to put me. My thinking was where ever I go I'll make the very best situation out of it. There's no bad work placement. It's what you make of it that counts. (This is very different from my perspective last semester where I was very determined to get out of town - and I did)
Fate, if that's what you call it, introduced me to one of my dream jobs as a PR yogi. I couldn't believe how crazy wonderful this opportunity was and I felt as though it presented itself to me. I didn't actively seek it out. It was similar to my promotions job. The sequence of events have been odd and it's been about being in the right place at the right time and meeting the right people.
I'm not actively seeking a 9-5 Monday to Friday job for two reasons: 1) I'm still in school 2) I'm ridiculously happy doing what I love.
They say if you love what you do you'll never have to work a day in your life. I think that's how the saying goes. I feel truly blessed to have these opportunities and honestly I want to go to work, it's fun, and I can't believe I get paid for it.
When I start thinking about the future fear creeps on in. Am I making the right decision by staying at part time jobs that are semi unstable? If I want that big house with two dogs and a good retirement fund I should start looking for that desk job somewhere.... It doesn't help that both my parents are well educated government workers who've worked their way up and have wicked jobs.
Then I'm reminded I'm 22. I've got a few years to enjoy these jobs and who knows what doors they'll open. I need to stop getting caught up in the expectations that come both internally and externally. It's time to forget fear, stop thinking 'what if?', and do what makes you happy. Choose the path that puts a smile on your face and gets you out of bed in the morning. I've decided poor and happy is the right fit for me - for now. I've chosen to believe when you're happy on the inside the rest will fall into place.