Friday 24 January 2014

It's flu season. Watch out!

Dearest blog readers,

I hope you're feeling good and keeping your health in check. I got the flu this week and it knocked me out! I couldn't believe something so little could make you feel that bad. I'm pretty sure I got it at the Keith Urban concert (which was a blast I dare say even though I'm not a true country girl). 

The flu was three days of un-fun. I made that a word.

At first I didn't think it was the flu... I was just at a concert all night - but then the more the symptoms added up the more I tuned into the answer.

My symptoms:
  • Fever - that was fun. Then came the sweats. And then the Chills. I'd say the chills were the worst. I couldn't stop shaking for 20mins and my finger nails started turning blue. Ew.
  • Headaches and/or body aches - Ouch. I couldn't decide which side to sleep on - back - front- side- they all hurt. 
  • Fatigue. Still feeling weak today. There's barely anything in my system. My body is slowly rebooting. 
  • Nausea, vomiting, and...well you know that happened. 

How to avoid the flu:
  • Get the shot - So obvious. I don't ever go for one because the last time I got the flu was when my mom bought home the new Swan Princess on VHS ... a.k.a 1994. From now on, flu shot please! They just came up with an inhale method to get the vaccine. For kids. I'm a big kid. 

What to do once you have the flu: 
  • Getting plenty of rest. SLEEP. Seriously it's the best remedy. Amen to sleep. 
  • Drinking clear fluids. Water, tea, and G2 was my go to - I needed a sport drink to replace the electrolytes I'd lost to prevent becoming dehydrated.
  • Humidifiers are good especially in winter to help you breathe better  
  • Hot showers and warm blankets. There's no other way to calm the chills. 

If you get the flu, which you might, a good reminder is just try to make it through the day because the end is near. Mine only stuck around for two and a half days. It's short lived but it certainly sucks. You might still be contagious for another week afterward so be careful. Good luck comrades! Stay happy, stay healthy! 

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