Saturday 5 October 2013

Embrace it.

I’m a Yogi. I really enjoy my yoga time. It’s so peaceful. After a long day of being busy it’s exactly what I need, and my body thanks me for it. This week while meditating at the end of my practice I could only think about how grateful I am. How grateful I am to be in this class, how grateful I am for my family and partner, how grateful I am for the opportunities I’ve been given, and how grateful I am to be where I am right now. My eyes started to well up and I had this overwhelming sense of happiness.

After the summer I had more than ever I believe in positivity.  I’m often asked about my religion and I give the same answer.  I believe in being a good person. I believe in spreading positive chi and having it come back to you.  Do I dislike organized religion? Perhaps, but I understand the purpose it serves. I definitely understand how it provides people hope in dark times, brings a community together, and how it helps people day to day when they believe in a higher being.There are many messages in the bible I disagree with but there are also many more that talk about being a good person, and that is something I can agree with.

Being spiritual, connecting with yourself and the world, is what I do. During my yoga class this week I looked at my life with a smile. I wonder was it luck, was it fate, or was it good choices? Maybe it’s a combination. I have an exciting opportunity coming up in the near future and I’m crossing my fingers that it will work out and a tad nervous it won’t. Over the summer I adapted a new mentality.  Let it be and be grateful.  You can try to control the outcome of, for example group projects, and you can worry about what will happen but sometimes it just so much easier to let things happen, spreading good vibes and being the best you, you can be. You’re supposed to be here right now. Embrace it. 

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