Friday 27 September 2013

Om- Part II

Last weekend I went out and crossed one more thing off my bucket list.... a tattoo.

I've wanted a tattoo since grade 7. I remember wanting 'made in canada' on my foot for the longest time. When I'd talk about it in University, friends would comment 'you haven't got it yet?!'  The pun was always how do you know you were 'made' in Canada. Ew. 

A lot of thought and a lot of research went into my tattoo. Placement, which parlour to go to (based on cleanliness - price - and artists), the meaning, the story I wanted to tell others, and how it was going to look when I have wrinkles. I settled on the Om symbol on my foot. Why my foot? When I get married it will be covered and I can still be taken seriously in a professional setting. I wanted it to be somewhere I can see it when I want to, not all the time. See my previous blog post on its many meanings. 

I'm so happy with the final product. People told me it would hurt so much I'd never want another tattoo again. One said the foot hurts so much you'll want to saw your foot off. That was a bit dramatic. On the pain scale from 1-10 it was about a 5, maybe because I was prepared for the worst. What was neat is that my artist turned out to be a friends bother, fate. I had two Om pictures and he combined them to make a more artistic symbol. I would definitely recommend Karl from Living Canvas. Very professional, clean, and fast. Did I tell you it only took two minutes? Super surprised. They say once you get one you'll want another, I can see why. Every time I look at mine I smile. My mom said your body is no longer perfect. I say it never was, and now its a piece of art. Onto another item on my bucket list.... 

1 comment:

  1. It looks awesome! And it's encouraging that you thought it didn't hurt as much as people say... that's always been a huge deterrent.
