Saturday 22 March 2014

Don't Lie to Us - Vote at

Wonderful cyber friends I have some big news!

In one day, the #dreamteam (Kris Shaw and myself), put together a video PSA, a radio PSA, a print  PSA, and an intro video. Tons of work for AD standards Canada but the end product is pretty neat!

Our work was submitted to Ad standards Canada and is now in a competition for 10,000! That's quite big. There's five prizes. We really want to place!

Right now what we want to do is get into the top 20! It comes down to your vote! We need your help. We'd love it if you'd vote for us at:

Our campaign pokes fun at testimonials - that we know aren't true. Even the people doing the testimonials have trouble believing what they're saying. You can see the full 2 videos on their website.

...So GO to the website and VOTE for 'Don't Lie to Us'. The Ad Standards website is secure and won't send you junk mail. You're allowed to vote once a day! Get voting my friends!

Click on the link --> Radio PSA to hear it on Soundcloud :D

Be honest. Be upfront. Truth in advertising matters.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I have a quick question for you, could you email me when you have a chance? Thanks! –Heather

