Saturday 9 November 2013

The Golden Circle!

I did two posts last week :) this is one of them. I'll make sure to do another one for you this weekend! tata for now!

This is Simon Sinek and he looks at why people and companies are successful. He uses the golden circle to focus his argument. People know what they're doing and many know how they're doing it. But not very many know why. He talks about how many companies work from the outside-->in according to The Golden Circle and how this is where many companies go wrong. They expect an action from their audience by telling them what they do and how the do it. The key is to work from the inside--> out. Apple for instance is a company that is driven by a cause/belief. People don't by what you do they buy why you do it. The Apple company is motivated by challenging the status quo and thinking differently. Then they show you how they're doing it and what they're selling. People want to be inspired. The golden circle can be applied not only to companies but people. Why are you going to school, what drives you? Ask yourself and you'll be that much closer to achieving your goals.

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