Friday 6 September 2013

...and I'm back in the game!

(A little throwback, courtesy of YouTube.)

I'm back at school from my stellar summer relaxed (not rested), tanned, and even a bit wiser. I had the best summer working for two hit radio stations. It kept me busy and I can say without a doubt every day I was excited to go to work (for one reason or another). I got to go to almost every event in town, getting paid to be there, and promote the station. I went to the beach, concerts, fundraisers, and BBQ's all for work. Dream Job. P.S. people love you when you're handing out free stuff.

I’ll be truthful and upfront. I thought about creating a new blog for the purpose of my assignment, one with more focus. I thought about a yoga blog, or a movie-o-holic blog but at the end of the day I still wanna blog about little things I find interesting.

Without further ado, I welcome you back from summer to be here, staying updated on Alexandra’s Glass Half Full. It's about spreading positivity, how to keep the good chi around, and sharing the fun stuff with you.

I will preface the next segment by coming out to you... I fully admit I'm a hopeless romantic. It just happened. I grew up watching disney princess movies on repeat, of course this would happen. As a result I'm going to share the latest date night I had. MINI DONUTS. What? yes.

YUM. This happened. My guy came over with a mini, mini donut maker and a recipe. I was shocked he A) came up with a date idea B) wanted to bake. They turned out perfectly, of course I was in charge of the icing (my favourite part). It was easy and delicious. The tunes were cranked up and making a mess of the kitchen ensued. Awesome date night. So simple. 

This wonderful lady knows how to do mini donuts right! Click: Granny School: The Best Mini Donuts on Earth. Why is it when I bake it never looks like the picture... oh well, it's still scrumptious! I'd say we've mastered the mini donut. What's next? 

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