Friday 12 April 2013

STUDY! Tips and Tricks

It's exam time once again. It can be terribly stressful. I've felt its wrath and I'm sure many people out there have too. Many people can multitask during exam time but others can't. Everyone studies differently. Some need solitude for hours on end, others need music, and I need stickies and highlighters. Time to share my studying tactics:

Having trouble focusing? Breathe. Take it one step at a time. Remember there is a lot to cover and it will all get done. Have faith. You can do it.

Being dizzy and unfocused can be a result of dehydration. Fill up your water bottle and have it in reach. Often I don't even realize how much time has passed by without getting up and drinking some water.

It's all about time management. Set out start times and end times. This way you have acheivable goals. (You can also plan in naps!) Make sure you stick to the schedule though. If you planned for a 15 minute break be sure it doesn't turn into an hour.

If the material is going through one ear and out the other read it out loud. I can memorize my work better when I talk it out. Even reciting the notes out to my mom or sister makes a huge difference. This way I'm not only educating them, I'm educating myself.

If there's multiple points or different processes to remember, make a list, better yet - figure out an acronym. It works for me. I simplify what I need to know and set it up as a list to make it more memorable.

After an hour of studying my brain can wander. I find myself on Facebook or Pintrest. Uh oh. No. The best way for me to stay on track is rewards. Study hard for an hour then take a snack break or a movie break. (no longer than a half hour though - in CreComm I've learned to watch my movies in bite size chunks) Work hard. Play hard. Right?

Best for last. Bored? Brain wandering yet again? Change your environment. Move to the kitchen, living room, or basement. A change in location can help when studying hour after hour. You can even get moving by doing some crunches, push ups, or going for a walk. Get some fresh air and start studying fresh once again.

Good luck to all my readers enduring exam time right now. Keep calm and study on. :)

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