Friday 5 April 2013

Jillian Michaels - Maximize your life!

Jillian Michaels is my inspiration when I'm at the gym. Whenever I feel like stopping I can picture her yelling at me from across the treadmill saying DON'T STOP RUN FASTER (probably because I have the Biggest loser show on my TV when running). I really want "RUN YOUR ASS OFF" pants now.

Convention Centre. Last night. At 7:30pm Jillian Michaels was welcomed by Winnipeggers of all sizes with a standing ovation onto the stage. For her first stop on her tour she came out in hight heels smiling.  Then promptly she took off her shoes and changed into her flip-flops adding to her down to earth persona. The first half of her show was about science: the nutrition and the exercise of weight loss. The second half was about WHY. Why are you the way you are and what is your vision.

--> I'm going to make it really simple for you. Eat less than you burn! It's that easy. And I've made a living telling people that! Over and over again! <--

Michaels got nothing but laughs as she confessed to how much she hates exercising and how much she wants a talk show instead of Kris Jenner getting one. Michaels explained her story of childhood obesity, divorce, a dead end job, and a lousy relationship to help us relate to how she gained success.

Simple tricks and tips I learned last night:

  • Choose quality foods. Michaels pointed out how many chemicals we put into our bodies. I was shocked. Organic it is. Don't eat ingredients you can't pronounce. 
  • We are like a car - we need both healthy foods and exercise to loose weight - we cannot just work with one side of weight loss - otherwise we remain in neutral.
  • Move your body as often as possible - no more isolated weights - move your whole body for maximum results. 
  • Let go. Be the best you and stop eating the responsibility sandwich.
  • Ask for what you want. You have nothing to loose. 
My favourite line from Jillian Michaels is from her 30-day shred video: Put stress on the system and it will adapt. The situation you are in right now is your fault. You made choices to get you there. It is up to you to be proactive and change the cycle if you want different results. I highly recommend checking out Michael's website, her books, her videos, or tuning into her podcast on iTunes. Set yourself up for success. 


  1. Ever since you told me you were going I've been thinking about how I need to do the 30 day shred again. Haha. Alex you're my inspiration.

    1. Awe thanks! The 30-day shred is so good, exhausting but good!
