Friday 7 September 2012


Optimism is “an inclination to put the most favourable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome” – Merriam Webster.
The inspiration for this blog came from a cup of optimism: a Maxwell House commercial.

This blog is about promoting the positive, seeing each day as better than the last. My posts will include studies, relationship recommendations, with some pop culture mixed in and anything that makes me smile; which I hope in turn will make you smile.

As a communications major, I discovered that being positive is a must. People are attractive to positive people and it’s more or less contagious. When I come home to my dog Rosco he’s overjoyed that I’m back. I can’t help but smile and get excited to see him too. Of course I have my bad days; we all do. Those days I complain about my lack of sleep, lack of energy, and my pet peeves. This blog is about a change in focus. 

The video you (hopefully) watched was Jessica’s affirmations of the day. What if we all woke up this happy? I like my dog, I like my hair, I like my mom, I like my dad…..I like my whole house!!!!! I want to be this girl. She’s only four years old and I love the way she thinks!

Here is where you will find your ‘cup of optimism’ for the day. 


  1. Ahhh, I love good cup of warm optimism. Don't you? : )

  2. When this commercial first came out, I received links to it from a half-dozen friends and family members because the little girl in it looks and sounds a LOT like my daughter. It gives me a smile every time. :)

    1. Allie sounds lovely! I think we would get along :)
