Friday 21 September 2012

Slow down and take care

Tension, pressure, aches and pains, is our body trying to tell us something. It can be something as simple or complex as stress. In order to feel better it’s crucial to listen and respond to our body. That’s why I went to Natural Pains Solutions on Broadway for help.
It may not be very scientific but after only an hour of peace away from the chaos of Cre Comm I felt renewed. Not only did she work out the kinks in my back, she also gave me exercises for the ‘pond scum’ that had built up around my muscles. I came out of feeling like I could do anything.
It’s essential to take a few moments out the day for you. We need to remind ourselves that’s its okay and important to book ‘me’ time. When you’re happy on the inside it shows on the outside. Do what makes you feel good. This could mean volleyball, rugby, dance, meditation, or a lovely mani pedi. Listen to your body. As Carl Honore praises: Slow down.
Check this out if you haven’t seen it à
When we take care of ourselves we increase our productivity. Being low on energy looks like me having one eye open still trying to write down notes that are indecipherable the next day. Why didn’t I get more sleep? Mediocre work is not appreciated. If we get the right amount of sleep, eat right, take our vitamins, and be proactive about those pains and aches we operate in an optimal state!
Being proactive about health can reduce congestion in waiting rooms. Remember the emergency room and how long it took? People often let their symptoms get worse, thinking they’ll feel better soon enough. I’ve been one of those people. I’ll own up to it. I learned, waiting doesn’t fix your problem and pain doesn’t magically disappear.
Get a massage, see a chiropractor, have a bath, do whatever it takes to for you to feel better. Exercise even a little. I’m not an avid ‘gym go-er’ but I do feel awesome after a workout. Plus: you get endorphins out of the deal and your body is happy. Win-win situation.
Today I remind everyone to listen to his or her body. Personally, I get caught up in deadlines and who wants what and this shift or that errand.  If you’re not sure what to do, ask. It’s best to ask the right people such as your doctor. Don’t let your body scream at you. Slow down, listen and respond or your body will talk back. 

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