Friday 18 October 2013

Climb Mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.

Climb Mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world. This is my lesson today. It's easy to forget why we strive to achieve certain goals. Many people have a need to feel noticed, appreciated, and complimented. This picture and statement brings me back to what matters. You should do things for your own enjoyment - not to get noticed. Doing things for the right reasons is really important. In the long run you'll feel better, won't be so exhausted, and instead climb mountains that are are of value. In my program, Creative Communications, I'm in my third semester and I think it's the hardest one yet. In such a competitive program the goal often becomes 'how do I shine brighter than the rest', it could even be there subconsciously. We are often our worst critic and compare our work to others and our accomplishments and failures to others. 

The pressure we put on ourselves can actually weigh us down and hold us back from reaching our true potential. My work is not always at the top of the scale but its my work, work that I put effort into, and work that I enjoyed making. Sometimes this needs to be enough. For example a 90% on a test can be the most exciting mark ever, until your friend gets 98% and you look down at your mark again only to compare yourself.

Let your success be defined by you. Then be the one to admire you. Stop letting the pressures of our surroundings define who you are. Block out the need for us to compete. Block out our need to be recognized. Do things for you. Get that job because you want it, not because someone else wants it or its what you think you should want. We are heavily influenced by others. Stop setting goals because you feel you need to, set them because you want to. Start doing things for you. Because you matter.

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