Friday, 25 October 2013

Fake it.

I use to work at the best and worst retail job. Le Chateau. The best part was I could shop my face off,... and I did. Amazing clothing. Best style. The worst part was never having two pennies to rub together. Does that saying still work if they're extinct?

One day I went to another location because they needed an extra staff member during the holiday rush. Being in a new environment, with new staff, and not knowing where anything was definitely made me a tad disorientated. Plus my manager really amped my reputation up upon arriving. I came in thinking I can't fulfil those expectations right off the bat. I can't perform my usual high sales speed here. no way. She turned around and whispered to me "Fake it till you make it".

That one saying has stayed with me for a really long time. It applies to my life almost daily. Every time I'm faced with a new challenge, I tackle head on, with the motivating 'fake it till you make it' confidence. I have a really great opportunity ahead of me and I'm extremely nervous. In the back of my mind this one saying calms me right down.

Here's a video from TED with Amy Cuddy who talks about power poses which can shape your persona. To relate it to this post she talks about faking it until you become it. There is some serious truth to this statement. Take the fear of doing the job and turn it into confidence and excitement. Even if you don't believe in yourself now, after faking it it'll be that much easier. It's kind of a self fulling prophesy. For example if I think I'm going to fail a test the probably of failing is much higher. But if I think I'm going to ace it and be confident in the knowledge I have I'll be that much more successful. Not everything you do is going to be perfect so take it easy, don't worry so much, and fake it.

Just a little song for you. Thanks youtube!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Climb Mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.

Climb Mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world. This is my lesson today. It's easy to forget why we strive to achieve certain goals. Many people have a need to feel noticed, appreciated, and complimented. This picture and statement brings me back to what matters. You should do things for your own enjoyment - not to get noticed. Doing things for the right reasons is really important. In the long run you'll feel better, won't be so exhausted, and instead climb mountains that are are of value. In my program, Creative Communications, I'm in my third semester and I think it's the hardest one yet. In such a competitive program the goal often becomes 'how do I shine brighter than the rest', it could even be there subconsciously. We are often our worst critic and compare our work to others and our accomplishments and failures to others. 

The pressure we put on ourselves can actually weigh us down and hold us back from reaching our true potential. My work is not always at the top of the scale but its my work, work that I put effort into, and work that I enjoyed making. Sometimes this needs to be enough. For example a 90% on a test can be the most exciting mark ever, until your friend gets 98% and you look down at your mark again only to compare yourself.

Let your success be defined by you. Then be the one to admire you. Stop letting the pressures of our surroundings define who you are. Block out the need for us to compete. Block out our need to be recognized. Do things for you. Get that job because you want it, not because someone else wants it or its what you think you should want. We are heavily influenced by others. Stop setting goals because you feel you need to, set them because you want to. Start doing things for you. Because you matter.

Want more inspiration? Click here. 

Friday, 11 October 2013

New and Improved

Alexandra's Glass Half Full has felt like my own personal journal. I've blogged about a variety of subjects from recipes to events in the city.  Each week when I sit down to write I have trouble focusing on a story. I find that every story I think of most people would find lame. It's hard to blog when there is no direct focus. I blog at every week - no problem - because it has a focus. Today this blog gets a focus. Today is the start of blogging for a purpose.  

Each week I will blog about a life lesson. We'll talk about something enlightening that you can take away, think about, and apply to your life. 


"Often those who aren't the easiest to love, are the ones who need it the most" 

I think this resonates with many people. It was certainly true for me today. When we see someone in a bad mood most often we automatically think its because of their personality. We don't often take a step back and think about why they're acting out or being rude. I took some harsh words to heart today. All I could think was why do this person insist on being rude, mean, and negative. Later I heard this person crying and I realized this situation has nothing to do with me. I went out of my way to make sure this person felt loved. It's funny how fast my perspective changed. It's a good idea to never take things too personally. It's also a good idea to question why someone is acting out. Instead of giving them more reasons to feel angry and alone, make them feel loved. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Embrace it.

I’m a Yogi. I really enjoy my yoga time. It’s so peaceful. After a long day of being busy it’s exactly what I need, and my body thanks me for it. This week while meditating at the end of my practice I could only think about how grateful I am. How grateful I am to be in this class, how grateful I am for my family and partner, how grateful I am for the opportunities I’ve been given, and how grateful I am to be where I am right now. My eyes started to well up and I had this overwhelming sense of happiness.

After the summer I had more than ever I believe in positivity.  I’m often asked about my religion and I give the same answer.  I believe in being a good person. I believe in spreading positive chi and having it come back to you.  Do I dislike organized religion? Perhaps, but I understand the purpose it serves. I definitely understand how it provides people hope in dark times, brings a community together, and how it helps people day to day when they believe in a higher being.There are many messages in the bible I disagree with but there are also many more that talk about being a good person, and that is something I can agree with.

Being spiritual, connecting with yourself and the world, is what I do. During my yoga class this week I looked at my life with a smile. I wonder was it luck, was it fate, or was it good choices? Maybe it’s a combination. I have an exciting opportunity coming up in the near future and I’m crossing my fingers that it will work out and a tad nervous it won’t. Over the summer I adapted a new mentality.  Let it be and be grateful.  You can try to control the outcome of, for example group projects, and you can worry about what will happen but sometimes it just so much easier to let things happen, spreading good vibes and being the best you, you can be. You’re supposed to be here right now. Embrace it.