One day I went to another location because they needed an extra staff member during the holiday rush. Being in a new environment, with new staff, and not knowing where anything was definitely made me a tad disorientated. Plus my manager really amped my reputation up upon arriving. I came in thinking I can't fulfil those expectations right off the bat. I can't perform my usual high sales speed here. no way. She turned around and whispered to me "Fake it till you make it".
That one saying has stayed with me for a really long time. It applies to my life almost daily. Every time I'm faced with a new challenge, I tackle head on, with the motivating 'fake it till you make it' confidence. I have a really great opportunity ahead of me and I'm extremely nervous. In the back of my mind this one saying calms me right down.
Here's a video from TED with Amy Cuddy who talks about power poses which can shape your persona. To relate it to this post she talks about faking it until you become it. There is some serious truth to this statement. Take the fear of doing the job and turn it into confidence and excitement. Even if you don't believe in yourself now, after faking it it'll be that much easier. It's kind of a self fulling prophesy. For example if I think I'm going to fail a test the probably of failing is much higher. But if I think I'm going to ace it and be confident in the knowledge I have I'll be that much more successful. Not everything you do is going to be perfect so take it easy, don't worry so much, and fake it.
Just a little song for you. Thanks youtube!