Saturday, 16 November 2013

Tis the season

The holiday season is getting closer and for some reason the snow isn't even here yet! Tonight marks the kickoff to Christmas! Nothing says Xmas is coming quite like the Santa Claus Parade. I wouldn't miss it. At any age I've dressed up in my Michelin parka and sipped hot chocolate as every float makes its way down portage avenue. I'm old enough to know better but I still can't shake the magic of Christmas. The music, the decorations, and the demeanour of the city changes. Tonight it's official, the christmas tunes begin. Now it can snow anytime. As well next week is another must holiday tradition, the signature's craft show. Samples galore and nothing but xmas wall to wall. Love it.

As an AD major I'm addicted to watching the best commercials out there and I'm a sucker for the holiday ones. I wanted to share my top three with you :)

This one is all about the magic of our loved fairytales and magical stories. Well done.

Jingle Bells, basketball style! Cute!

And what would the holidays be without the Nutcracker?

Saturday, 9 November 2013

The Golden Circle!

I did two posts last week :) this is one of them. I'll make sure to do another one for you this weekend! tata for now!

This is Simon Sinek and he looks at why people and companies are successful. He uses the golden circle to focus his argument. People know what they're doing and many know how they're doing it. But not very many know why. He talks about how many companies work from the outside-->in according to The Golden Circle and how this is where many companies go wrong. They expect an action from their audience by telling them what they do and how the do it. The key is to work from the inside--> out. Apple for instance is a company that is driven by a cause/belief. People don't by what you do they buy why you do it. The Apple company is motivated by challenging the status quo and thinking differently. Then they show you how they're doing it and what they're selling. People want to be inspired. The golden circle can be applied not only to companies but people. Why are you going to school, what drives you? Ask yourself and you'll be that much closer to achieving your goals.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

High or low road

Here's the sitch this week. My friend got in an argument with his brother. A silly argument turned into a bigger one.  Both of them brought up situations in the past to hold against one another. This argument quickly became the kind where each party walks away because they can't take it anymore. Each too stubborn to come back and apologize. You know the kind of arguments I'm talking about.

It's really difficult to decide which arguments are the ones worth winning and the ones that aren't. How can you tell? When is it worth it? When do you try to talking it out instead of walking away - When is it better to take the high road and let them have the last word -

I told my friend he needs to take the high road. Be the bigger person and sit down one on one with his brother and outline a list of things that bothered him. This relationship is one worth the struggle. The key is to talk honestly without attacking. The harsh reality is that not everyone will see things your way. Your logic may not coincide with someones else's.

In order to take the high road you must first understand why the other person is reacting a certain way. Understanding the other person's perspective is half the battle. Then you need to control your actions sometimes a look or a certain tone can make the situation worse. Taking into account the merits of both sides you must accept your differences. Afterwards you need to slow down and carefully construct your next move. Your next move should be one that helps the other party and mend your relationship. It's difficult to be nice to someone who things your wrong but....killing them with kindness is always your best defence.

I truly believe honesty and communication can solve any relationship problem. Most arguments are out of some form of miscommunication, whether that's through text or maybe the other person isn't sharing the whole truth. As I said understanding each other and the different points of view is half the battle. If you think the relationship is worth it then make sure you spread the love. In the long road taking the high road, the one less travelled, you aren't making the situation worse. If the other party continually decides to take the low and bumpy road then karma usually takes its toll. By taking the high road you lower your stress and your reputation is better. Remember this next time you are filled with anger, take a step back and think of all the ways you can improve the situation. Is it a coffee date at Starbucks? Is it visiting them at work with a smoothie? Or is it sending them a lovely card in the mail. Everyone likes good mail.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Fake it.

I use to work at the best and worst retail job. Le Chateau. The best part was I could shop my face off,... and I did. Amazing clothing. Best style. The worst part was never having two pennies to rub together. Does that saying still work if they're extinct?

One day I went to another location because they needed an extra staff member during the holiday rush. Being in a new environment, with new staff, and not knowing where anything was definitely made me a tad disorientated. Plus my manager really amped my reputation up upon arriving. I came in thinking I can't fulfil those expectations right off the bat. I can't perform my usual high sales speed here. no way. She turned around and whispered to me "Fake it till you make it".

That one saying has stayed with me for a really long time. It applies to my life almost daily. Every time I'm faced with a new challenge, I tackle head on, with the motivating 'fake it till you make it' confidence. I have a really great opportunity ahead of me and I'm extremely nervous. In the back of my mind this one saying calms me right down.

Here's a video from TED with Amy Cuddy who talks about power poses which can shape your persona. To relate it to this post she talks about faking it until you become it. There is some serious truth to this statement. Take the fear of doing the job and turn it into confidence and excitement. Even if you don't believe in yourself now, after faking it it'll be that much easier. It's kind of a self fulling prophesy. For example if I think I'm going to fail a test the probably of failing is much higher. But if I think I'm going to ace it and be confident in the knowledge I have I'll be that much more successful. Not everything you do is going to be perfect so take it easy, don't worry so much, and fake it.

Just a little song for you. Thanks youtube!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Climb Mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.

Climb Mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world. This is my lesson today. It's easy to forget why we strive to achieve certain goals. Many people have a need to feel noticed, appreciated, and complimented. This picture and statement brings me back to what matters. You should do things for your own enjoyment - not to get noticed. Doing things for the right reasons is really important. In the long run you'll feel better, won't be so exhausted, and instead climb mountains that are are of value. In my program, Creative Communications, I'm in my third semester and I think it's the hardest one yet. In such a competitive program the goal often becomes 'how do I shine brighter than the rest', it could even be there subconsciously. We are often our worst critic and compare our work to others and our accomplishments and failures to others. 

The pressure we put on ourselves can actually weigh us down and hold us back from reaching our true potential. My work is not always at the top of the scale but its my work, work that I put effort into, and work that I enjoyed making. Sometimes this needs to be enough. For example a 90% on a test can be the most exciting mark ever, until your friend gets 98% and you look down at your mark again only to compare yourself.

Let your success be defined by you. Then be the one to admire you. Stop letting the pressures of our surroundings define who you are. Block out the need for us to compete. Block out our need to be recognized. Do things for you. Get that job because you want it, not because someone else wants it or its what you think you should want. We are heavily influenced by others. Stop setting goals because you feel you need to, set them because you want to. Start doing things for you. Because you matter.

Want more inspiration? Click here. 

Friday, 11 October 2013

New and Improved

Alexandra's Glass Half Full has felt like my own personal journal. I've blogged about a variety of subjects from recipes to events in the city.  Each week when I sit down to write I have trouble focusing on a story. I find that every story I think of most people would find lame. It's hard to blog when there is no direct focus. I blog at every week - no problem - because it has a focus. Today this blog gets a focus. Today is the start of blogging for a purpose.  

Each week I will blog about a life lesson. We'll talk about something enlightening that you can take away, think about, and apply to your life. 


"Often those who aren't the easiest to love, are the ones who need it the most" 

I think this resonates with many people. It was certainly true for me today. When we see someone in a bad mood most often we automatically think its because of their personality. We don't often take a step back and think about why they're acting out or being rude. I took some harsh words to heart today. All I could think was why do this person insist on being rude, mean, and negative. Later I heard this person crying and I realized this situation has nothing to do with me. I went out of my way to make sure this person felt loved. It's funny how fast my perspective changed. It's a good idea to never take things too personally. It's also a good idea to question why someone is acting out. Instead of giving them more reasons to feel angry and alone, make them feel loved. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Embrace it.

I’m a Yogi. I really enjoy my yoga time. It’s so peaceful. After a long day of being busy it’s exactly what I need, and my body thanks me for it. This week while meditating at the end of my practice I could only think about how grateful I am. How grateful I am to be in this class, how grateful I am for my family and partner, how grateful I am for the opportunities I’ve been given, and how grateful I am to be where I am right now. My eyes started to well up and I had this overwhelming sense of happiness.

After the summer I had more than ever I believe in positivity.  I’m often asked about my religion and I give the same answer.  I believe in being a good person. I believe in spreading positive chi and having it come back to you.  Do I dislike organized religion? Perhaps, but I understand the purpose it serves. I definitely understand how it provides people hope in dark times, brings a community together, and how it helps people day to day when they believe in a higher being.There are many messages in the bible I disagree with but there are also many more that talk about being a good person, and that is something I can agree with.

Being spiritual, connecting with yourself and the world, is what I do. During my yoga class this week I looked at my life with a smile. I wonder was it luck, was it fate, or was it good choices? Maybe it’s a combination. I have an exciting opportunity coming up in the near future and I’m crossing my fingers that it will work out and a tad nervous it won’t. Over the summer I adapted a new mentality.  Let it be and be grateful.  You can try to control the outcome of, for example group projects, and you can worry about what will happen but sometimes it just so much easier to let things happen, spreading good vibes and being the best you, you can be. You’re supposed to be here right now. Embrace it. 

Friday, 27 September 2013

Om- Part II

Last weekend I went out and crossed one more thing off my bucket list.... a tattoo.

I've wanted a tattoo since grade 7. I remember wanting 'made in canada' on my foot for the longest time. When I'd talk about it in University, friends would comment 'you haven't got it yet?!'  The pun was always how do you know you were 'made' in Canada. Ew. 

A lot of thought and a lot of research went into my tattoo. Placement, which parlour to go to (based on cleanliness - price - and artists), the meaning, the story I wanted to tell others, and how it was going to look when I have wrinkles. I settled on the Om symbol on my foot. Why my foot? When I get married it will be covered and I can still be taken seriously in a professional setting. I wanted it to be somewhere I can see it when I want to, not all the time. See my previous blog post on its many meanings. 

I'm so happy with the final product. People told me it would hurt so much I'd never want another tattoo again. One said the foot hurts so much you'll want to saw your foot off. That was a bit dramatic. On the pain scale from 1-10 it was about a 5, maybe because I was prepared for the worst. What was neat is that my artist turned out to be a friends bother, fate. I had two Om pictures and he combined them to make a more artistic symbol. I would definitely recommend Karl from Living Canvas. Very professional, clean, and fast. Did I tell you it only took two minutes? Super surprised. They say once you get one you'll want another, I can see why. Every time I look at mine I smile. My mom said your body is no longer perfect. I say it never was, and now its a piece of art. Onto another item on my bucket list.... 

Friday, 20 September 2013


The Om symbol has many interpretations. It has a different meaning from person to person and religion to religion. Om is a mantra, originally in Hindu, that has been used in Indian religions. 

In Hindu, they believe that "Om" is the original vibration and sound as creation began. It is thought to be the manifestation of God. They believe he first created sound then built the universe. Everything that exists and that will exist is symbolized by the symbol. Om is a root sound the world is built on and held together by. Everything vibrates if you listen close enough and that vibration is 'Om'. 

The symbol is composed of three letters: aa, uu, and ma (AUM). It represents three Hindu deities Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. It has also been used to symbolize triads: [mind, body, and spirit] [past, present, and future] [earth atmosphere, and heaven]. 

Above there is a diagram with the four states of consciousness in Hinduism.  Wakefulness is symbolized by the lower half of the 3 like letter. Wakefulness is when we turn our consciousness outward and use our senses to interpret the world. It is large portion of the symbol because this is where we spend the majority of our time. The upper half of the 3 is dedicated to deep sleep. This is when we are considered unconscious. We are not dreaming nor wanting anything from the world in this state. The middle outward curve represents a dreaming state, between being awake and deep sleep. The forth state is symbolized by the dot. This when our attention is neither outward nor inward. This is the 'absolute', the ultimate calm and peace we hope to achieve. The semi circle underneath the dot symbolizes, maya - the illusion, the idea of a translucent barrier between the states of consciousness and the absolute. 

People chant this manta to bring them internal peace. It's to help you tune into the world, your core, and your spirituality. It is said at the beginning and ending of Hindu prayers. It is also used in Yoga as a way to help meditate. For myself, 'Om' helps be remember to be calm and focus inward about what truly matters. Reading about the symbol and understanding its many meanings is only one way to grasp the complexity of Om. Try humming Om right now, and see how it feels. 


Friday, 13 September 2013

10 ways to make

RUNNING. I don't just dislike running. This is how I feel about running:

How to make it more fun? Here are my tips and tricks for you this week!

1) HAVE A GOAL: There's nothing worse than running aimlessly... unless you're playing tag. Which is awesome. Someone should start a game of tag asap...but when I run I like keep my eye on the prize. Here is where I start...and here's where I end. Easy. Having an exact allotted time helps me. Those last 5 minutes I push myself, or those last few blocks home I sprint. Measure your success.

2) BUY SOME GOOD SHOES: Are you running long distances? I recommend investing in some decent shoes. I strongly dislike any kind of foot discomfort when running. Plus you can get some wicked colours in sneakers now. My pretty neon pink ones make me want to put them on and run. A little motivation.

3) LET'S TALK MOTIVATION: Why are you running? I need a reminder. That's why post a picture of a role model nearby who's fit to remind myself to get out of the house and run. Are you training? Put an alarm on your phone to remind you. Visuals help me. Maybe that'll work for you too. Whatever your motivation, however you answered the question, remind yourself.

4) REWARDS: What happens once you're done the run? Do you get to have an awesome shower or is the feeling of complete exhaustion enough? My personal favourite is a freeze...which is kind of counter productive but it's whatever works for you!

5) CHANGE IT UP: Run inside? Run outside! There's tons of great trails out there, find some. A change of scenery is always nice. If you run the same route every time, no wonder its boring. Try a different part of the city and explore.

6) GET YOUR JAM ON: Tunage is a must while I run. I need something to run to - my own personal soundtrack. Upbeat tracks gets me into gear while running. Although I've recently switched to podcasts, something different. You could also change it up and listen to some e-books. Especially while running on the Treadmill. Heck I even watch movies while I run. Best.

7) RUN WITH FRIENDS: Instead of coffee head to the gym or go for a run! Better yet train together for a run for a cause. You'll be bonding while doing something good for your body. Plus studies show we push ourselves harder and we last longer while exercising with friends. Bonus.

8) SHAKE IT UP: Like Florence and the machine. Don't like endurance running? Then sprint for 5 and give me 50 jumping jacks stat! Ha! You don't need to run forever. Stop and do something else changing your heart's pace and go run again. It's actually better to stop and go, switching it up, and keeping your body guessing what's next.

9) MAKE IT A RACE: Who doesn't love a little competition? Race your bud! Whoever wins buys a round of beers? Again perhaps a little counter productive but it works! Even trying to beat your own time can be fun. The thrill of doing better than yesterday or beating your bud.

10) TIME OF DAY: Always run in the morning? Try an evening run (or vice versa). It's really nice to see the sunrise but it's also neat to see it set. If you live in the city it could also be nice to see the all the lights glowing at night.

There it is. How do you make your run better? Let me know. Both of use should go run now. ish. Make running fun, otherwise it becomes a chore. No one wants more chores to do. Which reminds me I have some laundry to do.

Friday, 6 September 2013

...and I'm back in the game!

(A little throwback, courtesy of YouTube.)

I'm back at school from my stellar summer relaxed (not rested), tanned, and even a bit wiser. I had the best summer working for two hit radio stations. It kept me busy and I can say without a doubt every day I was excited to go to work (for one reason or another). I got to go to almost every event in town, getting paid to be there, and promote the station. I went to the beach, concerts, fundraisers, and BBQ's all for work. Dream Job. P.S. people love you when you're handing out free stuff.

I’ll be truthful and upfront. I thought about creating a new blog for the purpose of my assignment, one with more focus. I thought about a yoga blog, or a movie-o-holic blog but at the end of the day I still wanna blog about little things I find interesting.

Without further ado, I welcome you back from summer to be here, staying updated on Alexandra’s Glass Half Full. It's about spreading positivity, how to keep the good chi around, and sharing the fun stuff with you.

I will preface the next segment by coming out to you... I fully admit I'm a hopeless romantic. It just happened. I grew up watching disney princess movies on repeat, of course this would happen. As a result I'm going to share the latest date night I had. MINI DONUTS. What? yes.

YUM. This happened. My guy came over with a mini, mini donut maker and a recipe. I was shocked he A) came up with a date idea B) wanted to bake. They turned out perfectly, of course I was in charge of the icing (my favourite part). It was easy and delicious. The tunes were cranked up and making a mess of the kitchen ensued. Awesome date night. So simple. 

This wonderful lady knows how to do mini donuts right! Click: Granny School: The Best Mini Donuts on Earth. Why is it when I bake it never looks like the picture... oh well, it's still scrumptious! I'd say we've mastered the mini donut. What's next? 

Sunday, 2 June 2013

It's ALLLLL Good.

Introducing my new favourite cookbook "It's All Good" by Gwyneth Paltrow and Julia Turshen.

Recently after reading Wheat Belly by William Davis, I decided to try the 'Gluten Free' way of life. It's not a diet. The word 'diet' frightens me.

It's been a month of this Gluten Free business and do I feel any better? It's questionable. Although when I eat gluten now I feel ... not great. Not sure if it's my mind playing tricks on me but my body just doesn't want anything to do with gluten. Maybe it's better gluten and I part ways. For now.

Back to Gwyneth. I made her scrumptious Spicy Sweet Potato Soup + Coriander (page 88) and her Sweet potato + five spice muffins (page 41). Easy - fast - and tasty! I definitely stuck to my sweet potato theme to cut down on recipe ingredients but my oh my it was yummy. Who doesn't like sweet potatoes?

I was really impressed the gluten free, elimination diets and vegan options in this cookbook. It makes your eating restrictions hassle free and tasty. I can't wait to try some dessert options like the Banana ice cream with sweet and salty roasted almonds. Check out her website for more details on her wicked recipes! Goop!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Pushing the reset button. It's strange! After a whole year of CreComm and going non-stop-madness-24/7 it's odd to have the luxury of time.

Although now my time has filled up with other duties. Now I have two part time jobs and a lovely radio show to produce - in between coffee dates, laundry, and being a movie-a-holic. (Of course I must fit a little blogging in there too.)

A lot has changed in a year. My wardrobe. My hair colour. My perspective. My goals.
If only I knew then what I know now... but then again I'm reminded its about the journey and not the destination.

Today, I blog today the one area I have dedicated my future to, a skill we all need, something I love to decode and produce - communication.

I've grown up thinking any problem can be solved through talking, listening, and understanding. (Perhaps because both of my parents are social workers.) We tend to do a lot more talking than listening and understanding. We somehow feel it's all about getting our message out there the first, the fastest, and the loudest.

So why not sit back once in a while and listen. Listen, understand, then respond.

I have a silly theory. I don't particularly like placing people in boxes but  it works. There are two types of people. Ones that accommodate, understand, compromise, and collaborate. Then there are those who are set in their ways, ones who are a tad picky and stubborn. Not that those are bad qualities to have, it just means you know what you want and will settle for nothing less.

Simply put there are Type A and Type B people. Which you already knew about.

It's both Type A and Type B people who make the world go around. They match up and co-mingle and for this reason I do not believe in soul mates. Some pairs are better suited for each other, yes - but there is no one person we are meant to be with.

Relationships are hard. Love affairs take time and effort. Both of those commodities come down to one action: communication. All of those arguments we have, they're healthy. It's good to disagree. If you didn't I'd be worried. I've seen many relationships around me go sour because one partner couldn't communicate clearly. I often feel like I'm repeating myself but please listen first, understand then communicate exactly what you want. No more hints.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Montage Time

Ta-da! My montage for Media Production class. Thank you to my lovely friends; Dan, Dani, Keeley, Megan, and Evan. My dear crew, you were wonderful while filming in the cold and yucky weather. Hope you enjoy watching a complication of our funny moments downtown, it was a pleasure to edit.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Five Freedoms

I stumbled upon the five freedoms by Virginia Satir. 

For those of you that don't know, these are words to live by. 
For those of you that do know, it's a nice reminder. 

The five freedoms: 

1. To see and to hear - what is here, instead of what should be, was, or will be. 

2. To say - what one feels and thinks instead of what should.

3.  To feel - what one feels, instead of what one ought. 

4. To ask - for what one wants, instead of always waiting for permission. 

5. To take risks - in one's behalf, instead of choosing to be only 'secure' and not rocking the boat. 

Be present, tell people how you feel, express yourself, ask for what you want, and take a risk. Sounds fairly simple. If only people actually lived by these sayings. If only we could sustain a healthy balance between the five freedoms. 

Satir, author and psychotherapist known as the pioneer of family therapy, has created the five freedoms to help us connect with ourselves. Life is really really hard. Be true to yourself and don't expect people to be mind readers. Communicate better and other things in life will fall into place. 'If you never try you'll never know' right? So take some calculated risks while your at it.

Friday, 12 April 2013

STUDY! Tips and Tricks

It's exam time once again. It can be terribly stressful. I've felt its wrath and I'm sure many people out there have too. Many people can multitask during exam time but others can't. Everyone studies differently. Some need solitude for hours on end, others need music, and I need stickies and highlighters. Time to share my studying tactics:

Having trouble focusing? Breathe. Take it one step at a time. Remember there is a lot to cover and it will all get done. Have faith. You can do it.

Being dizzy and unfocused can be a result of dehydration. Fill up your water bottle and have it in reach. Often I don't even realize how much time has passed by without getting up and drinking some water.

It's all about time management. Set out start times and end times. This way you have acheivable goals. (You can also plan in naps!) Make sure you stick to the schedule though. If you planned for a 15 minute break be sure it doesn't turn into an hour.

If the material is going through one ear and out the other read it out loud. I can memorize my work better when I talk it out. Even reciting the notes out to my mom or sister makes a huge difference. This way I'm not only educating them, I'm educating myself.

If there's multiple points or different processes to remember, make a list, better yet - figure out an acronym. It works for me. I simplify what I need to know and set it up as a list to make it more memorable.

After an hour of studying my brain can wander. I find myself on Facebook or Pintrest. Uh oh. No. The best way for me to stay on track is rewards. Study hard for an hour then take a snack break or a movie break. (no longer than a half hour though - in CreComm I've learned to watch my movies in bite size chunks) Work hard. Play hard. Right?

Best for last. Bored? Brain wandering yet again? Change your environment. Move to the kitchen, living room, or basement. A change in location can help when studying hour after hour. You can even get moving by doing some crunches, push ups, or going for a walk. Get some fresh air and start studying fresh once again.

Good luck to all my readers enduring exam time right now. Keep calm and study on. :)

Friday, 5 April 2013

Jillian Michaels - Maximize your life!

Jillian Michaels is my inspiration when I'm at the gym. Whenever I feel like stopping I can picture her yelling at me from across the treadmill saying DON'T STOP RUN FASTER (probably because I have the Biggest loser show on my TV when running). I really want "RUN YOUR ASS OFF" pants now.

Convention Centre. Last night. At 7:30pm Jillian Michaels was welcomed by Winnipeggers of all sizes with a standing ovation onto the stage. For her first stop on her tour she came out in hight heels smiling.  Then promptly she took off her shoes and changed into her flip-flops adding to her down to earth persona. The first half of her show was about science: the nutrition and the exercise of weight loss. The second half was about WHY. Why are you the way you are and what is your vision.

--> I'm going to make it really simple for you. Eat less than you burn! It's that easy. And I've made a living telling people that! Over and over again! <--

Michaels got nothing but laughs as she confessed to how much she hates exercising and how much she wants a talk show instead of Kris Jenner getting one. Michaels explained her story of childhood obesity, divorce, a dead end job, and a lousy relationship to help us relate to how she gained success.

Simple tricks and tips I learned last night:

  • Choose quality foods. Michaels pointed out how many chemicals we put into our bodies. I was shocked. Organic it is. Don't eat ingredients you can't pronounce. 
  • We are like a car - we need both healthy foods and exercise to loose weight - we cannot just work with one side of weight loss - otherwise we remain in neutral.
  • Move your body as often as possible - no more isolated weights - move your whole body for maximum results. 
  • Let go. Be the best you and stop eating the responsibility sandwich.
  • Ask for what you want. You have nothing to loose. 
My favourite line from Jillian Michaels is from her 30-day shred video: Put stress on the system and it will adapt. The situation you are in right now is your fault. You made choices to get you there. It is up to you to be proactive and change the cycle if you want different results. I highly recommend checking out Michael's website, her books, her videos, or tuning into her podcast on iTunes. Set yourself up for success. 

Friday, 29 March 2013

Wake up Happy

5 ways to wake up happy

Alarm. roll over. press snooze. repeat. Sometimes waking up is harder than it seems. Your legs don't want to move and your eyes don't want to open. It couldn't possibly be time to wake up already. Five more minutes in bed translates to ten and next thing you know you miss the bus and have to go to school without a proper shower. I came up with some ideas to help wake up happy and I wanted to pass them on starting with the most basic.

1. Get the proper amount of sleep.
- Straightforward yes, but common no. You need sleep in order to function at your best during the day. Typically the average adult needs 7-8hours. I find the hard part actually falling asleep. By bedtime I'm already thinking about the tens of things I need to do the next day (this is where a notepad by the side of the bed comes in handy). Thoughts assessing what happened today and what will happen tomorrow race in my mind. I know not to recommend anything but... Melatonin helps me fall asleep. It's not to be taken on a regular basis but a small dose can really help calm my body. Talk to your doctor before taking anything. Drinking non-caffinated tea also helps me fall asleep. The first step to waking up happy is going to bed at the right time. Not wasting your whole morning in bed is also better. I honestly can get more things done before noon than some people can all day. I'm very productive in the mornings. I go to bed around ten and usually wake up for 6, that way I get a good start to my day. When I am productive during the day I feel better at night.

2. Music
- Get rid of that buzzer and trade it in for some of your favourite tunes. Nobody wants to wake up to yelling and that's how most alarms sound. I normally wake up to Ed Sheeran or Florence and the Machine. Something upbeat and I change it up. I turn the volume up to make sure I wake - up. The way you wake up sets the mood for your day. Don't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Wake up to your own playlist. Make it a great day. For some inspiration check out Urbans UQ

3. Water
- Before you go to bed put a glass of water by your bed. When you wake up start your body going by drinking a glass of water. Then open those blinds and let the sun shine on in. This also helps your metabolism get going. Don't forget to start your day with breakfast! Can't stress this enough. It's important. Your body just fasted all night. My favourite breakfast is oatmeal, juice, and eggs. If I don't have time its a smoothie and granola bar to-go! Orange juice is also good for waking up!

4. Naps
- My new found favourite part of the day. After a productive morning and early afternoon an hour nap feels awesome (needs to happen before 5 or your risk waking up groggy and mucking up your sleep cycle). Not everyone can do it, but for those who can, go for it. Word on the street, is that our bodies weren't meant to go a whole day without rest. To read on about the power of the almighty nap go to 8 benefits of napping. I highly recommend it. I'm more productive and awake after one.

5. Slow and steady
- Reward your body for waking up. I set my alarm earlier than I should so I can wake up slower. I know I don't have to get into the shower till 630 but I set my alarm for 6. That way its a slow and pain free process. Stretch when you wake up, most animals do it, why don't we? Once I shower I go back to bed. Yup! I dry off then go under the covers again and close my eyes because hey, I woke up! Everyone wakes up differently and this is the process that works for me. Wake up happy so you're happy all day.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Army cookies

Awe yeah cookies. yeah. I really can't cook or bake, but I am making an effort to try. Without further ado...

I present to you the Anzac Biscuit! This cookie is associated with the army. During the war wives would send them because the ingredients wouldn't spoil. Fun Fact.

1cup flour
1cup rolled oats
1cup coconut
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 tbs golden syrup
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbs water

1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Line baking sheet with non stick paper
2. Mix flour, oats, coconut, and brown sugar in a bowl
3. In a saucepan stir butter, syrup, water, and baking soda until melted over medium heat
4. Combine saucy goodness with bowl of mixed ingredients. mix mix mix.
5. Make your cookie balls and place on sheet 5cm apart (use a fork to flatten slightly)
6. Bake for 10min or until golden brown
7. Set aside to cool then you can go ahead and munch

Ta da!

Friday, 15 March 2013

Bits and pieces

Today I sit down to write and I'm oddly inspired and not overwhelmed.

Many little things have happened and I want to share them with you.

  • This week I've sat through three days of amazing Independent Professional Projects. Each exciting and uplifting in their own way. Congratulations to all of the 2nd year crecomms! It has made me eager to start my IPP... Breaking news, this just in, I will (fingers crossed it goes through panel) be creating a health and wellness radio show called Tune Up! More details to come in the following weeks. 
  • I also watched two very interesting films; Perks of being a wallflower and Celeste and Jesse forever. Both with similar messages: do not take what you have for granted and live life to the fullest. My favourite line from Perks is "We accept the love we think we deserve" - a good lesson for everyone. Celeste and Jesse was disappointing, but it's very well done. If you watch the movie you'll see what I mean. Here are the trailers courtesy of You tube. Perks gets four lovely snow angels out of five and Celeste and Jesse get two heart hand motions out of five. I've seen a lot of movies but I'm always wanting to see more. Let me know if there are any amazing movies you think I should check out. 

  • This week was also the travel assignment and magazine project wrap up. If I have learned anything from this week it is two things: never underestimate the power of connections and time management is a beautiful thing. This is the first time in ages I'm not procrastinating and actually done a project before it's due. I have my fabulous group members and my loving god mother to thank. 
It's when the bits and pieces finally come together that it feels wonderful to relax. 

I really hope this motivation and peacefulness lasts for a while. This week I leave you with another blog to lift your spirits: inspired joyful chaos

Have a wonderful weekend :) 

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Look! A new outfit!

I'l admit it, I'm a shopaholic. I blame it on being in retail. Every shift I walk in thinking, what's new? What can I buy this shift? How would this shirt look with that pair of pants? Yikes! Why didn't I think of getting a job selling stuff I don't like? Oh right, I actually like my job.

My bank account hurts. If it could talk it'd be coughing. This week I bought a cute black and white stripped shirt and last week I bought a military green studded jacket. Super jazzed. My closet just keeps getting better and well bigger. Actually its stuffed. My discount is 50%. You'd think that'd be a good thing, but now whenever I see a price tag I always half it. That's bad when I walk into other retail stores.  I don't think I could ever go back to buying clothes full price. You'll find me at the outlet mall later in life.

I'm going to have to change jobs sooner or later. I really like my job, but I'll always be broke. I will enjoy my discount while it lasts. I don't think being a shopaholic will ever wear off though. Time to embrace it. I love accessorizing and putting outfits together. There should be a club.

Speaking to all of my fashionistas out there I will direct you to Look Book (if you haven't already been there). Get inspired to try out different outfits. It's fashion from around the world. Such a fun site. I could honestly sit for an hour just scrolling through different outfits. Liking them and sharing them. Go ahead create a profile. Upload your favourite outfits. Pin some outfits. Like them on Facebook and follow them on twitter. Add to the hype of your fave outfits. Of course there is also an app. Which means I waste more time on my phone. Enjoy surfing the site, you're welcome.

How cute is this outfit!?

Friday, 1 March 2013

Chockie poo

Recipe time!

Looks funny but tastes good. Chockie poo! After a lovely conversation with my friend Chelsea, she brought out this lovely creation. Yum. Half the recipe for an individual size.

1 1/3 cups of margarine
1 1/2 cups of sugar
4 cups of oats
6 tablespoons of coca
2 teaspoons of vanilla
2 tablespoons of water
1 cup of chocolate chips

Mix, refrigerate, and enjoy!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Review: 'A Thousand Farewells' by Nahlah Ayed

“People are not quotes or clips, used to illustrate stories about war and conflict. People are the story, always.” (Page 324) – Nahlah Ayed

Not many people want her job, but Nahlah Ayed thrives on it. As a war correspondent for the CBC her job takes her right into the action and grief of the chaotic Middle East and her task is to report back. Her goal: to tell the story of the people and have it be heard.

How do you interview someone who just lost a loved one, or who just had their house bombed, and then talk about how they have no real human rights? Even in the midst of a mass grave near Hillah Iraq, Ayed found a way to do her job right. As a reporter relaying the news of the Middle East back home, Nahlah Ayed understands on a deeper level what these people are going through. At the age of six, Ayed’s family uprooted their life in Winnipeg for a life in the Amman New Camp or rather Al-Wihdat, a refugee camp for seven years. The culture shock was traumatic but life changing and would be one of the reasons she became a journalist.

Nahlah Ayed’s life has been consumed by covering stories in the Middle East and she neatly wove them into this book. A Thousand Farewells describes the political landscape in the Middle East, tells the story of the people, and provides a personal account of what Ayed went through. Her memoir uses individual story bites and incorporates them into a bit of a history lesson. Ayed ‘fills in the spaces’, between the bombings, shootings, and terrifying war, with people, the ones who are affected by the chaos of the Middle East. She’ll tell you Habib’s story, a man who owns a pub in West Beirut who stayed open during the civil war. She’ll tell you about a man that walked to Europe. She’ll tell you about Waseem a friend of hers and his new family. Everyone has a different story and for Ayed those stories are the ones worth telling. This is what works in this book. I want to hear about the people. I want to hear about what happens off camera and behind the scenes. I especially want it translated into a dialogue that I can understand. Ayed explains the Middle East in what I think is the simplest way possible.

I would definitely add a map and possibly a family tree to this book. I added my own map and taped it to the back cover. Many times Ayed changes locations or refers back to one and sometimes it can get a tad confusing. Also I might change the length of the chapters. I seem to read books faster when the chapters are shorter, even if there are more. This book is a great read for any aspiring journalists. It tells the story of the people in a compelling way. A good journalist understands their interviewees and what they are going through. It’s not just about questions, answers, and facts; it’s about knowing how people are thinking, and feeling and being able to describe the situation to your audience.

As for other non-fiction books I’ve read (such as Amish Grace, Freakonomics, and Eat, Pray, Love) none compare to Ayed’s account of the Middle East. The subject matter is incredibly different and told in a sporadic way that keeps the reader interested. Not only is she telling the story of others she's  living it too. The best part of her story is how she helps the reader understand the complexities and depth of wars we only hear about through headlines. She connects the reader to another side of the world. 

As I read this book, one of the many messages I took away from it was how fortunate we are here in Canada. That is why the glass is half full this week. Sometimes it’s hard to find that perspective. We all joke about having ‘first world problems’, but it’s true. Most of the time we need a little perspective as to how big or small our problems actually are. Reading this book helped me appreciate what I have and on a journalistic level how to be compassionate when interviewing others.