Through the studio I get to attend three workshops and a finale party. My first workshop is Tuesday, a Moksha flow class. Flow class might be the hardest because instead of holding poses your moving through them fluidly. It takes more control to be graceful. Flow classes really challenge me and help me grow in my practice.
Today I did two classes. My second class was a hot hatha class. It was nice to do such a relaxing practice after my regular class. The class is there to relieve stress and tension. It was so relaxing I fell asleep twice. Hatha is not my favourite but I can see its benefits for other yogis.
My life is busy and I like it that way. Before starting the challenge I certainly had my doubts as to how I would fit my practice in daily. This is just another reason why it's a challenge. In my one week I've come to realize what it means to have an active lifestyle. To lead a healthy lifestyle you need to be active daily. Making that time is very important. Setting aside one hour a day to focus on myself both mentally and physically feels amazing. Sure I could use that extra hour a day for homework or making money but I've chosen to put myself first. I'm happy I didn't let my doubts get the better of me. Let the countdown begin!