Saturday, 16 November 2013

Tis the season

The holiday season is getting closer and for some reason the snow isn't even here yet! Tonight marks the kickoff to Christmas! Nothing says Xmas is coming quite like the Santa Claus Parade. I wouldn't miss it. At any age I've dressed up in my Michelin parka and sipped hot chocolate as every float makes its way down portage avenue. I'm old enough to know better but I still can't shake the magic of Christmas. The music, the decorations, and the demeanour of the city changes. Tonight it's official, the christmas tunes begin. Now it can snow anytime. As well next week is another must holiday tradition, the signature's craft show. Samples galore and nothing but xmas wall to wall. Love it.

As an AD major I'm addicted to watching the best commercials out there and I'm a sucker for the holiday ones. I wanted to share my top three with you :)

This one is all about the magic of our loved fairytales and magical stories. Well done.

Jingle Bells, basketball style! Cute!

And what would the holidays be without the Nutcracker?

Saturday, 9 November 2013

The Golden Circle!

I did two posts last week :) this is one of them. I'll make sure to do another one for you this weekend! tata for now!

This is Simon Sinek and he looks at why people and companies are successful. He uses the golden circle to focus his argument. People know what they're doing and many know how they're doing it. But not very many know why. He talks about how many companies work from the outside-->in according to The Golden Circle and how this is where many companies go wrong. They expect an action from their audience by telling them what they do and how the do it. The key is to work from the inside--> out. Apple for instance is a company that is driven by a cause/belief. People don't by what you do they buy why you do it. The Apple company is motivated by challenging the status quo and thinking differently. Then they show you how they're doing it and what they're selling. People want to be inspired. The golden circle can be applied not only to companies but people. Why are you going to school, what drives you? Ask yourself and you'll be that much closer to achieving your goals.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

High or low road

Here's the sitch this week. My friend got in an argument with his brother. A silly argument turned into a bigger one.  Both of them brought up situations in the past to hold against one another. This argument quickly became the kind where each party walks away because they can't take it anymore. Each too stubborn to come back and apologize. You know the kind of arguments I'm talking about.

It's really difficult to decide which arguments are the ones worth winning and the ones that aren't. How can you tell? When is it worth it? When do you try to talking it out instead of walking away - When is it better to take the high road and let them have the last word -

I told my friend he needs to take the high road. Be the bigger person and sit down one on one with his brother and outline a list of things that bothered him. This relationship is one worth the struggle. The key is to talk honestly without attacking. The harsh reality is that not everyone will see things your way. Your logic may not coincide with someones else's.

In order to take the high road you must first understand why the other person is reacting a certain way. Understanding the other person's perspective is half the battle. Then you need to control your actions sometimes a look or a certain tone can make the situation worse. Taking into account the merits of both sides you must accept your differences. Afterwards you need to slow down and carefully construct your next move. Your next move should be one that helps the other party and mend your relationship. It's difficult to be nice to someone who things your wrong but....killing them with kindness is always your best defence.

I truly believe honesty and communication can solve any relationship problem. Most arguments are out of some form of miscommunication, whether that's through text or maybe the other person isn't sharing the whole truth. As I said understanding each other and the different points of view is half the battle. If you think the relationship is worth it then make sure you spread the love. In the long road taking the high road, the one less travelled, you aren't making the situation worse. If the other party continually decides to take the low and bumpy road then karma usually takes its toll. By taking the high road you lower your stress and your reputation is better. Remember this next time you are filled with anger, take a step back and think of all the ways you can improve the situation. Is it a coffee date at Starbucks? Is it visiting them at work with a smoothie? Or is it sending them a lovely card in the mail. Everyone likes good mail.