RUNNING. I don't just dislike running. This is how I feel about running:
How to make it more fun? Here are my tips and tricks for you this week!
1) HAVE A GOAL: There's nothing worse than running aimlessly... unless you're playing tag. Which is awesome. Someone should start a game of tag asap...but when I run I like keep my eye on the prize. Here is where I start...and here's where I end. Easy. Having an exact allotted time helps me. Those last 5 minutes I push myself, or those last few blocks home I sprint. Measure your success.
2) BUY SOME GOOD SHOES: Are you running long distances? I recommend investing in some decent shoes. I strongly dislike any kind of foot discomfort when running. Plus you can get some wicked colours in sneakers now. My pretty neon pink ones make me want to put them on and run. A little motivation.
3) LET'S TALK MOTIVATION: Why are you running? I need a reminder. That's why post a picture of a role model nearby who's fit to remind myself to get out of the house and run. Are you training? Put an alarm on your phone to remind you. Visuals help me. Maybe that'll work for you too. Whatever your motivation, however you answered the question, remind yourself.
4) REWARDS: What happens once you're done the run? Do you get to have an awesome shower or is the feeling of complete exhaustion enough? My personal favourite is a freeze...which is kind of counter productive but it's whatever works for you!
5) CHANGE IT UP: Run inside? Run outside! There's tons of great trails out there, find some. A change of scenery is always nice. If you run the same route every time, no wonder its boring. Try a different part of the city and explore.
6) GET YOUR JAM ON: Tunage is a must while I run. I need something to run to - my own personal soundtrack. Upbeat tracks gets me into gear while running. Although I've recently switched to podcasts, something different. You could also change it up and listen to some e-books. Especially while running on the Treadmill. Heck I even watch movies while I run. Best.
7) RUN WITH FRIENDS: Instead of coffee head to the gym or go for a run! Better yet train together for a run for a cause. You'll be bonding while doing something good for your body. Plus studies show we push ourselves harder and we last longer while exercising with friends. Bonus.
8) SHAKE IT UP: Like Florence and the machine. Don't like endurance running? Then sprint for 5 and give me 50 jumping jacks stat! Ha! You don't need to run forever. Stop and do something else changing your heart's pace and go run again. It's actually better to stop and go, switching it up, and keeping your body guessing what's next.
9) MAKE IT A RACE: Who doesn't love a little competition? Race your bud! Whoever wins buys a round of beers? Again perhaps a little counter productive but it works! Even trying to beat your own time can be fun. The thrill of doing better than yesterday or beating your bud.
10) TIME OF DAY: Always run in the morning? Try an evening run (or vice versa). It's really nice to see the sunrise but it's also neat to see it set. If you live in the city it could also be nice to see the all the lights glowing at night.
There it is. How do you make your run better? Let me know. Both of use should go run now. ish. Make running fun, otherwise it becomes a chore. No one wants more chores to do. Which reminds me I have some laundry to do.