5 ways to wake up happy
Alarm. roll over. press snooze. repeat. Sometimes waking up is harder than it seems. Your legs don't want to move and your eyes don't want to open. It couldn't possibly be time to wake up already. Five more minutes in bed translates to ten and next thing you know you miss the bus and have to go to school without a proper shower. I came up with some ideas to help wake up happy and I wanted to pass them on starting with the most basic.
1. Get the proper amount of sleep.
- Straightforward yes, but common no. You need sleep in order to function at your best during the day. Typically the average adult needs 7-8hours. I find the hard part actually falling asleep. By bedtime I'm already thinking about the tens of things I need to do the next day (this is where a notepad by the side of the bed comes in handy). Thoughts assessing what happened today and what will happen tomorrow race in my mind. I know not to recommend anything but... Melatonin helps me fall asleep. It's not to be taken on a regular basis but a small dose can really help calm my body. Talk to your doctor before taking anything. Drinking non-caffinated tea also helps me fall asleep. The first step to waking up happy is going to bed at the right time. Not wasting your whole morning in bed is also better. I honestly can get more things done before noon than some people can all day. I'm very productive in the mornings. I go to bed around ten and usually wake up for 6, that way I get a good start to my day. When I am productive during the day I feel better at night.
2. Music
- Get rid of that buzzer and trade it in for some of your favourite tunes. Nobody wants to wake up to yelling and that's how most alarms sound. I normally wake up to Ed Sheeran or Florence and the Machine. Something upbeat and I change it up. I turn the volume up to make sure I wake - up. The way you wake up sets the mood for your day. Don't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Wake up to your own playlist. Make it a great day. For some inspiration check out Urbans UQ
3. Water
- Before you go to bed put a glass of water by your bed. When you wake up start your body going by drinking a glass of water. Then open those blinds and let the sun shine on in. This also helps your metabolism get going. Don't forget to start your day with breakfast! Can't stress this enough. It's important. Your body just fasted all night. My favourite breakfast is oatmeal, juice, and eggs. If I don't have time its a smoothie and granola bar to-go! Orange juice is also good for waking up!
4. Naps
- My new found favourite part of the day. After a productive morning and early afternoon an hour nap feels awesome (needs to happen before 5 or your risk waking up groggy and mucking up your sleep cycle). Not everyone can do it, but for those who can, go for it. Word on the street, is that our bodies weren't meant to go a whole day without rest. To read on about the power of the almighty nap go to 8 benefits of napping. I highly recommend it. I'm more productive and awake after one.
5. Slow and steady
- Reward your body for waking up. I set my alarm earlier than I should so I can wake up slower. I know I don't have to get into the shower till 630 but I set my alarm for 6. That way its a slow and pain free process. Stretch when you wake up, most animals do it, why don't we? Once I shower I go back to bed. Yup! I dry off then go under the covers again and close my eyes because hey, I woke up! Everyone wakes up differently and this is the process that works for me. Wake up happy so you're happy all day.